The first rays of the crimson morning sun entering through the window,
through the cracks between the curtains right into your sleep-filled eyes.
You drag the curtains closer, flip over to other side, eyes shut. This is one memory that lingers whenever I think of the holidays in the good old school days.
With my last working day fast approaching - 6th May, I can look ahead to a month of masti before I am back to school :D. Yes, school, B-school, yours truly converted the call from IMT Ghaziabad. Got Marketing , the course I wanted. (Link at http://imt.edu/) . Looking forward to meet some great minds and er... pretty faces ;). That is not to say pretty faces dont have great minds :P
Anyway, its goodbye IT and good riddance too :). Its a relief I can tell you. So its now time to pack my bags and head north. Will miss my friends here. Also will miss riding with RTMC. That said there will be one last ride to Kodaikanal on 1st May. Its the MadBulls 7A ride. Will come up with travel log once I am back.
PS: The campus at IMT G has flood-lit tennis court so wont miss out on tennis ;)
Those joining IMT -G 2009 Batch please join this community http://www.orkut.co.in/Main#Community.aspx?cmm=60677574.
Ride Safe
Here's hoping that the winds of change blowing your way be fair - with the pretty faces :)
@ Shantanu
I am sure you'll meet more pretty faces at a MBA course than Eng :)
Ofcourse nothing like flood lit tennis though :)
Enjoy your time away from work !
@ Anuradha
I sure hope so ;)
Yes glad to be away from work!
many many congratulations....so bak to school again....all the very best...keep rocking..
Hey Thanks Sridhar...yes back to school ala Curious Case of Benjamin Button!! LOL
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