" Move you , ******. The signal has turned green", the motorist bellows at the car in front, amidst a lot of honking. The poor old man at the wheel can't get his car started. Happens all the time dont you think. Too often actually.There is a feeling gaining ground that we as a society have got less and less considerate of others. What with the tight schedules that everyone seems to be on , such incidents are not suprising. You and I would have probably done no different from what the motorist did, maybe would have got in a few more colourful expletives :)
Things are no different elsewhere -be it the microcosm of a train, or at the workplace. How many of us actually engage in a conversation with the person sitting adjacent? You would think as neighbours things would be different, but no. Infact there are people,who have never spoken to those in staying in the same apartment!
Just when you mutter to yourself- it's a cold, indifferent world, you would be surprised how quickly you can be proven wrong. Just the other day I had a blown fuse on my Bullet, courtesy some 'great' work done by the mechanic(turned out that a wire was getting grounded). Luckily I did have a replacement and started to change the fuse when a guy stopped by to help -had to be another Bulleter ofcourse :). I politely declined his help as I had a spare. But such gestures do tell you that all is not wrong with this society. Anyway went back to work feeling surprisingly lighter and I hardly honked that day!
By the people, for the people..in the true sense
Over the last few months in San Francisco, I have been introduced to a
world of infinite possibilities through mobile apps: booking/tracking a
12 years ago
Hope your bullet's okay now. :)
But seriously, even though most people just don't seem to care, you will always find people like the friendly Bulleter looking to pitch in and help. In fact, all of us have that quality in us unwittingly - a tendency to extend a hand to one in need. It just takes a little bit of coaxing to get it out of the closet.
its surprising how little things can change your day/life!!
Yup my steed is fine . Never go the same mech since :).
@ Gunj
hmm...yes...sometimes small things do matter
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