No, its not about Dravid, relinquishing the captaincy,nor is it about the Left-UPA differences(like they are going to end ever). And its certainly not about Ram Gopal Verma's Aag. No, its actually about yours truly getting transferred to Bangalore on a business assignment read project. I leave Hyderabad tomorrow. It happened rather quickly for my liking, getting just a three-day notice and all. Would have liked to have had the opportunity to catch up with friends before leaving. After the initial high fives with colleagues on getting the call, there are mixed feelings- on the one hand there is the excitement of venturing out into the unknown and living on my own in a new city (was with parents till now) . On the other, there is some trepidation, about my assignment;this being my first. Oh and I guess my culinary skills will have to extend beyond getting a toast from the toaster :) Please tell me that counts.
I am told there are a couple of things one can expect from Bangalore- traffic jams and rains. Heard a friend there took four hours to reach office. Phew.Like Hyderabad isnt bad enough. Looks like my dream of getting a Bullet will remain grounded for a while , given the traffic there. Hope to continue playing tennis there, without burning a hole in my pocket. Heard the city is expensive.
Am almost packed.In less than 24 hours, I will be off and I dont know how often I will be able to blog, if it all, given that I wont be having a system.
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12 years ago
i figured that you must have left by now..and i wish i could say something to make u feel better before you left...but i know one that i learnt in life...when we are given an unusual situation we are given the ability to combat it...
ur culinary skills are in fact quite good,in fact for a guy to know how to make toast is a big guys friends cant even heat water...
so good luck dotn worry you always have most friends in blogerville to be there for you
i am keeping my fingers crossed to see back in the circuits...
take care
and good luck for the new life ahead
@ Phoenix
Thanks! :)
Just been a couple of weeks here. Kind of difficult now take time out for blogging. Will try and squeeze in a post in the near future .
hey.. it must be a really nice change to be staying in a new place, after being (well i won't call it stuck) in Hyderabad for so long.. plus Bangalore's a swell place.. (mind the traffic though..from wat i've heard;)) also the HQ of Accenture being at Bangalore, must be more chance for growth.. you'll also meet newer ppl, make more friends.. what you leave behind may just pale in comparison with wat u go out to meet.. cheerio :)
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