Monday, 2 August 2010

Ghajiabad: 10 Things NOT to do

1. Go hungry but avoid eating out at Soniya's(if the food wont kill you the goons will)
2. Endure some pain but avoid visiting the local dentist(personal experience)
3. Avoid a flat after dark especially. Knives and daggers are more common than cell phones in these parts
4. Injections are painless right!Yeah right. Once you get one you ll know the syringe aint too different from a knife in #3
5. Avoid going out in the night unless you have to.
6. Avoid drinking water in these parts
7. If offered mineral water, good chance it is not genuine
8. Being run over while crossing the road cant be ruled out
9. In trying to get to IMT, do not follow the sign board, it will lead you into the drain(no pun intended)
10. ................(open to suggestions)

PS: A haphazardly post written without much thought